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Scientifically tested, Max-Air Nose Cones increase inspiratory nasal airflow by 110% and outperform nasal strips by 200%.1
For Easy, Easy, Easy Stop Snoring, Start Sleeping Relief**
New, squeezie-soft n’ clear (our softest materials) Max-Air Nose Cones are doctor and pharmacist recommended for stress-free and risk-free relief of nighttime breathing troubles such as snoring, nasal airway obstruction due to a deviated septum, or sleep breathing problems.
“Best night sleep that I have had in 15 years. Thanks”
Calvin S., TX
The ultimate stop snoring nasal device solution, Max-Air Nose Cones maximize nasal breathing volume to eliminate mouth-breathing.
By MAXIMIZING nasal AIRFLOW, breathing is re-routed from the mouth through the nose. Full volume nasal breathing is not only healthier, it also permits you to sleep with your mouth closed, which eliminates mouth breathing, in many cases the cause of snoring. WATCH HOW EASY, EASY, EASY IT IS TO STOP Boring SNORING

Max-Air Nose Cones are practically invisible due to the new design and clear soft medical material. They are precision engineered for superior comfort, fit and every night sleep relief.

RELIEVE nasal breathing problems from a DEVIATED SEPTUM.
Made from super-soft material (like a contact lens), our products are latex-free, hypoallergenic, drug-free, and FDA registered and Made in the USA. If you are searching for a simple solution for safe, fast deviated septum and stop snoring relief, you may find Max-Air Nose Cones are an easy solution to try and they are guaranteed. (see guarantee details)
What are Max-Air Nose Cones recommended for?
Because they are made with our softest material, they are recommended for milder airway problems that only present themselves during sleep. Such as:
- stopping snoring,
- relieving breathing problems due to mild deviated septum,
- alleviating stuffy nose problems during sleep from swollen turbinates
- managing nasal airway congestion or blockage problems inside CPAP
- controlling general nasal stuffiness problems that only trouble you during sleep
- preventing dry-mouth breathing during sleep
- or for severe nasal collapse problems or sinus issues consider trying our firmer Sinus Cones.
How to Customize Fit and Comfort of new, Max-Air Nose Cones.

To wear separated, trim Max-Air Nose Cones as shown.

When separating the Max Air Nose Cones leave a little bit of the connecting piece on the Cones as shown.
The Max-Air Nose Cones are made and packaged connected as shown in this photo. They may be worn connected, or they may be separated and worn individually. To wear individually, simply trim the connecting piece at corners as shown, leaving a little “foot” at the bottom of the Cone to make it easy to hold on to, insert, adjust and retrieve. For the best comfort and fit as nasal airways can vary in size and symmetry, separating the Cones may be necessary.
When only one airway is obstructed, for example with a deviated septum, you may wear just one Max-Air Nose Cone.

Max-Air Nose Cone is barely visible when worn individually.
If you only have trouble breathing through one nasal airway, using one Cone may be perfectly adequate to relieve your breathing troubles. This photo shows how simple and practically invisible it can be to solve nasal airway blockages.
In other situations, especially with a deviated septum or pathological nasal collapse, both nasal passages need relief but one airway may be a different size than the other.
To maximize relief in this instance, simply order two different sizes, trim them apart as shown, and wear one size in one airway and the other size in the other airway. The fit is unilateral, meaning that there is no left and right; so either Cone may be worn in either nasal passageway.
How does it feel the first time that you use the Max-Air Nose Cones?
You may be surprised at the comfort and amount of breathing relief that you feel the first time that you use the product. In fact, in a recent clinical study, Max-Air Nose Cones were shown to maximize nasal inspiratory breathing volume; increasing the volume of air that you may inhale through the nose by a whopping 110%. So that you may breathe easily, deeply and fully like never before.
Getting started: how to acclimate your nose to the Max-Air Nose Cones.
Watch us squeeze the Max-Air Nose Cones. They are the perfect blend of softness, yet durable resilience to keep airways open round the clock.
To acclimate to using the Cones the first time, we suggest that you place the Cones in your nasal airways a couple of times in advance of wearing them to bed.
Feel free to swivel them around and adjust the angle to insure maximum airflow. Allow a couple of minutes to adjust to the feel of the soft framework of the nasal cones in your nose. Be sure to inhale fully, deeply and freely while you are adjusting the Cones, so that you can seat and angled them for perfect comfort and fit and amazing airflow volume. (Most users find that wearing the Cones is similar to putting on a pair of sunglasses. You can feel them at first, and then, within minutes, you forget that they are there.)
“Outstanding product. Great help breathing at night.”
Michael G.
Max-Air Nose Cones are super comfortable for “20/20″ breathing volume and everyday use.**
New Max-Air Nose Cones are not only soft and comfortable they provide unparalleled breathing volume improvement. Made with specially selected FDA-Certified premium medical material, Max-Air Nose Cones are:
- latex-free
- hypoallergenic
- drug-free
- adhesive-free
Max-Air Nose Cones may be worn over and over without worry of skin or nose irritation. For maximum breathing relief with soft-comfort nasal care, choose Max-Air Nose Cones.
“I am very pleased with the Nose Cones. It is the first time in a long time I can breathe comfortably at night.”
John V.

PLEASE NOTE: Each package of Max-Air Nose Cones is packed with two sets of Max-Air Nose Cones, or four Cones in total. (Each set lasts up to six weeks with nightly use, so the package provides a total of three months of relief, which works out to about $0.30 per use.)