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” This is a better choice in nasal airway relief than the breathe strips. It’s latex-free, there’s no adhesive and its more effective and comfortable for me.”*
Cheryl B., IN
Wondering how the Max-Air Nose Cones® compare to the Breathe Right® nasal strips?
Read the results and the conclusions from a clinical research study that was published in the American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy is available for free to read on the National Institute of Health website. Read the research study at this link
According to the research, Max-Air Nose Cones are 2X more effective at improving inspiratory nasal airflow than the Breathe Right nasal strips.
By working from the inside at the source of the problem, the Max-Air Nose Cones gently open the airway for better results than the Breathe Right nasal strips. If you have tried the Breathe Right nasal strips and couldn’t tolerate the adhesive or didn’t achieve the breathing relief desired, you may want to give the Max-Air Nose Cones at try. All you have to lose is a bad night’s sleep. When you nasal breathe well, you sleep well.
Max-Air, Max-Air Nose Cones, and Nose Cones are registered trademarks of SANOSTEC CORP, USA. Breathe Right is a registered trademark of Foundation Consumer Health.